Ticket Booking Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to your booking of any tickets for an event organised by Elmfield Courtyard Enterprises Limited trading as The Elmfield Institute, including both online events and events held at our premises.

Ticket purchases

Payment for tickets can be made using our online payment service at the time of booking, or any other payment method we may offer to you. If we have not received cleared funds for your booking two working days before the date of the event for which you are booking, you will not be given access to the event.

Changes to events and cancellation

We reserve the right to cancel an event or change the date of any event that we run for any reason at our sole discretion. This will be at no additional cost to you. If you are not able to attend a revised date, we will refund you any costs that you have already paid. We will not be liable for any other costs you may incur in relation to such changes or cancellation, including but not limited to travel and accommodation costs.

Other than changes notified to you by us, tickets purchases are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged or re-sold.

We reserve the right to alter event content and speakers/performers at our sole discretion.

Online events

You are responsible for ensuring that your device and internet connection are up-to-date and capable of accessing our online platforms. We shall not be liable for technical issues with your device or internet connection which prevents or hinders your ability to attend an online course.

We may make audio and video recordings of any online event, and you understand that you may be included in this. The recordings may be used for training and marketing purposes.

Materials provided to you

Copyright and all intellectual property rights in materials made available to you as part of any event remains with us or our partners providing the materials. You are not permitted to distribute the materials or use them in any way other than for the purposes of attending the event. Any other use must be approved by us in advance in writing.

Neither we nor our partners accept responsibility for any loss whatsoever to any person or persons arising from any reliance on materials made available to you.

Use of The Elmfield Estate

No rights of way or other rights of entry to our estate are granted, and we reserve the right to restrict or deny access at any time at our sole discretion.

You must comply with any requirements for social distancing (or other measures relating to health protection) notified to you whilst on our estate.

We reserve the right to refuse the sale of a ticket or entry to any part of The Elmfield Estate where it is reasonable for us to do so.

Visitors will only be admitted upon presentation of a valid ticket. Any tickets which have been altered or defaced will be void.

No dogs or other animals are permitted on the estate (with the exception of assistance animals).

Opening hours, events and any promotional offers are subject to change and at times it may be necessary to restrict access to the estate.

In the event of adverse weather conditions or any other reason beyond our control, we reserve the right to restrict or decline admission to the estate.

Vehicles must only be parked in indicated areas.

Drone filming (or use of similar aerial equipment) is not permitted on the estate without our prior written consent. Commercial photography and filming in The Elmfield Estate may not be publicly distributed without our prior permission.

You use The Elmfield Estate at your own risk.

We may conduct security searches of persons, clothing, bags and other items, both on entry and exit in order to protect your safety and that of other visitors and staff.

The following items are prohibited within The Elmfield Estate:

  • Any items which are or appear to be illegal.
  • Weapons, ammunition, explosives, horns, whistles, drums, fireworks, or any other item which in our reasonable opinion may cause danger or disruption to any event, to other visitors, staff or resident wildlife.

As a condition of ticket purchase, visitors to The Elmfield Estate consent to being photographed, filmed or sound recorded for use on TV, websites, social media, DVD, webcast, promotional materials, or other public mediums, as part of any audience, or by security CCTV. Signs are put up to make visitors aware of when filming and photography is taking place. If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed please do not remain in the area being filmed or photographed.

Other terms

The Elmfield Institute shall have no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by you or occurring to any items belonging to you, other than in the event of death or personal injury occurring to you as the result of The Elmfield Institute’s negligence. We will not be responsible for any loss or any expense due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

We shall not be responsible or liable to you in any way for any events outside of our control, such as venue or speaker unavailability, travel issues preventing you from attending a course, or other force majeure events.

These terms shall be subject to Northern Ireland law and any dispute arising in relation tot hem shall be determined exclusively by proceedings in the Northern Ireland courts.

Finca Elmfield