Posts Tagged with individuals

7 tips for wellbeing and resilience during the pandemic

Fear, hope, and trust. The lessons we learned through The Power of Story“Each generation has a sacred task, To...

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Guided meditation: midline grounding

Meditation to tune into the midline function of the body. This helps the body to orient and reorganise, giving a sense of...

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Guided meditation: Beginning with the breath

A guided audio meditation Short guided meditation using the breath to reduce stress and anxiety[audio...

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Listen for what’s not said

Working with high risk populations that have survived intergenerational trauma taught me to answer the question behind the...

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Meditation to tune into the fluid rhythms of the body

Guided meditation to tune into the fluid rhythms of the body. Reorient to your natural rhythm, allowing a feeling of safety...

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Connecting with nature to support our wellbeing

Is the natural world animated with soul I often wonder? Can the rose love me in the same way I love the rose? I...

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7 tips for wellbeing and resilience during the pandemic

About This EventMany of us are feeling anxious these days, whether from the threat of physical illness, economic...

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How can you be better supported in a pandemic situation?

Can we look to the origins of what it means to be well as a response to the current situation? Is it enough to be...

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Guided meditation: Body awareness scan for relaxation

A guided audio mediationBody awareness scan for relaxation [audio...

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